Bellari VP-130 MKII Tube Phono Preamp & Headphone Amp
Product Highlights:
- Versatile, compact phono preamp and headphone amplifier
- All-tube unit with moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) phono stage
- High-quality headphone amplifier with low noise
- Warm, detailed, and natural sound
- All-metal construction for durability and reliability
- Made in the USA
Dimensions and Warranty:
- Dimensions: 6″w x 2.5″h x 5.4″d
- Weight: 2.45 lbs
Bellari VP-130 MKII Tube Phono Preamp & Headphone Amp

All About Bellari VP-130 MKII Tube Phono Preamp & Headphone Amp
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